Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Organizational Behavior and Leadership Quiz Questions free essay sample
Representatives An and B cooperate on a similar venture group. At the point when the group faces a mind boggling and troublesome issue, the group chief as a rule approaches B to create elective answers for the group to consider. Experience has demonstrated that B effectively scans for extra data and is bound to step up to the plate and to feel that the group can successfully impact the results of its activities. Worker A will in general excel on employments that are all around organized and routine and feels that the results of the groups activities are dictated by karma or possibility. Worker A shows an outer locus of control, and representative B displays an inner locus of control. Representative B was angry with Employee As conduct at the offices arranging meeting. Which variables will impact Employee Bs observation in this circumstance? Circumstance, Target, Perceiver An individual is progressive, gutsy, and excusing. Which kind of qualities are these? Instrumental qualities A worker appreciates having an enormous range of obligation and is persuaded to do well on account of individual emotions. Which sort of remuneration is this? Characteristic prize Which hypothesis is a modifying of Maslows need chain of importance and is preferred bolstered by extra exploration over is Maslows hypothesis? ERG Theory Manager A regulates 10 locale units with 100 workers and gets $100,000 in pay. Administrator B oversees 5 locale units with 50 representatives and furthermore gets $100,000 in pay. Supervisor An is agitated with this relationship and is searching for a new position. Which hypothesis discloses As inspiration to search for a new position? Value hypothesis A director provoked a worker to deliver a normal of 24 congregations every day for seven days. This creation objective was higher than the worker had ever accomplished during any week. The chief gave the representative a count sheet to stamp after every get together was finished. Considering the objective setting hypothesis of inspiration, the director was depending on which elements to impact the representative to accomplish the creation objective? Explicitness and Feedback Which phase of the five-phase bunch advancement model is described by growing cozy connections and cohesiveness? Norming What characterizes a lot of expected standards of conduct ascribed to an individual possessing a given situation in a social unit? Gathering standard Which sort of gathering is characterized by the associations structure? Formal gathering Management has seen that the quality improvement work bunch is battling in light of the fact that individuals appear to be working in various ways. Which proposed move can the organization make to expand bunch cohesiveness? Genuinely segregate the gathering To determine a contention between the division staff and the janitorial staff, the office head advises the office staff of another arrangement precluding the eating of food at the work area. Which sort of compromise procedure does this speak to Altering the human variable What is a bit of leeway of a gathering that isn't exceptionally durable? When execution standards are high, efficiency will be higher than in a durable gathering Which term portrays the propensity for people to consume less exertion when working on the whole than when working independently? Social loafing What is a quality of cooperative choice creation? Expanded assorted variety of perspectives Which articulation is valid about work groups Members of the gathering produce positive collaboration through composed exertion What kind of group is framed when representatives from about the equivalent progressive level however from various work regions meet up to achieve an undertaking Cross-useful group What are essential factors that separate virtual groups from eye to eye groups? Conquer reality requirements and make constrained social setting What is a trait of critical thinking groups that is not the same as cross-practical groups? Critical thinking colleagues originate from a similar work unit. A group was appointed a venture. Part of the way through the task clearly the group was neglecting to meet desires. The board had ensured that people alloted to the group had great relational aptitudes just as great critical thinking and dynamic abilities. Nonetheless, they neglected different capacities of colleagues required for achieving the work. Which capacity important for colleagues was ignored? Affinity for social loafing When arranging a group to build up another quality control framework, the board needed to dole out colleagues having attributes basic to viable groups. Which rundown determines normal qualities of powerful groups? An atmosphere of trust, individuals who fill job requests, and an enormous group size An organization changed from mechanical production systems to self-guided work groups. What can colleagues do to improve the cooperative energy and accomplishment of their groups? Relegate singular jobs as opposed to common group jobs An organization is changing their work association from representatives working independently to the utilization of groups. Which reward framework could be utilized to encourage long haul group viability? Prize framework that rewards both individual and gathering action Management is thinking about a rearrangement of deals areas and plans toâ allow representatives to live and work in their separate deals domains all through the United States. Nonetheless, the VP of deals needs the territorially scattered operators to take an interest in week by week deals gatherings. Which kind of groups ought to be sorted out? Virtual groups What is the ideal strategy for boosting co lleague support in a worldwide gathering? Video conferencing innovation A recently framed group is attempting to get profitable yet can't conclude who ought to do what. In what capacity should the group chief endeavor to determine the issue? Mentor the group through the trouble Which choice characterizes hierarchical culture? A mutual arrangement of implications that is one of a kind to the association Which qualities are remembered for the seven essential attributes that characterize an associations culture? Scrupulousness, advancement and hazard taking, individuals direction What is one of the powers that assumes an especially significant job in continuing an associations culture? Socialization process How can an association transmit its way of life to its workers? By utilizing material images and explicit language When is hierarchical culture thought about broken? When social incongruence dissuades making acquisitions or mergers What is a bit of leeway of a solid hierarchical culture? The organization has low worker turnover How may an appealling pioneer work to expand execution in an association? Articulate an engaging vision. Which possibility hypothesis of administration recommends that from the get-go in the communication between a pioneer and a given devotee the pioneer certainly sorts the supporter as an in or an out? Pioneer part trade hypothesis What is a trademark utilized by transformational pioneers? Gives vision and feeling of crucial additions trust Which approach may be utilized to tutor a less-experienced worker? Advising and sponsorship Which compromise methods may a supervisor use to control the degree of contention that has gotten broken? Superordinate objectives and modifying the auxiliary factors Which trademark indicates strengthening? Dynamic force is held in the utilitarian staff director What is a case of real conduct in authoritative legislative issues? Emblematic dissent What is a reason for worker execution assessments? To give criticism and decide reward distributions What is valid about the connection between execution assessment and inspiration? Administrators must have certainty that the exertion they apply will prompt an ideal representative exhibition wherein conditions would the utilization of 360-degree execution assessments apply? At the point when both inside and outside client input is useful An organization has rebuilt around groups however execution has not met desires. What ought to be the fundamental assessment basis in a proper presentation assessment for supporting and improving the exhibition of groups? Group results being attached to significant objectives
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Summary and Insights on Selected Bible Passages Essay
Outline and Insights on Selected Bible Passages - Essay Example In the first place, the second Book of Samuel is a record of critical occasions in David’s rule as King. In Chapter 5, he was announced the blessed ruler by God. God conceals when he passes on his messages to David. He utilizes Nathan, a prophet to be his dispatcher. Nathan handed-off to David the messages of God sent in his fantasies. One of the most noteworthy occasions at any point recorded in this Book is when God set up his pledge with David by enumerating His guarantees as follows:  â€Å"†¦I have cut you off the entirety of your foes from before you. Presently I will make your name extraordinary, similar to the names of the best men on earth. What's more, I will give a spot to my kin of Israel and will plant them so they can have their very own home and never again be upset. The Lord proclaims to you that the Lord Himself will build up a house for you. At the point when your days are finished and you rest with your dads, I will raise your posterity to succeed you, who will originate from your own body, and I will set up his kingdom†(Holy Bible New International Version, 2 Sam 7: 9-12).  In different words, for winning God’s favor, David, as written in Chapter 7, got incredible popularity, fortune and accomplishments in all the undertakings he took remembering triumphs for all the fights he battled. At the beginning, it was likewise uncovered that God mentioned David through Nathan to assemble a place of cedar for the Ark of the Covenant which was then housed in a tent.On Chapter 11, the clouded side of King David was revealed.â
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Caffeine, Stress and Your Health
Caffeine, Stress and Your Health Addiction Addictive Behaviors Caffeine Print Caffeine, Stress and Your Health By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD on November 21, 2019 twitter linkedin Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania. Learn about our Medical Review Board Daniel B. Block, MD Updated on January 17, 2020 Jake Curtis/Iconica/Getty Images More in Addiction Addictive Behaviors Caffeine Internet Shopping Sex Alcohol Use Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery People may joke about needing their coffee to function in the morning, but in all seriousness, caffeine is a drug. Its most often consumed in coffee, tea, soft drinks and, in smaller doses, chocolate. While we seem to have a love affair with these foods, there’s been quite a bit of confusion and even controversy surrounding caffeine lately. Is it good or bad for us? Research seems to say conflicting things about the effects of caffeine, so it helps to understand the pros and cons. Here are the basics of what you should know about caffeine and some surprising answers to these questions. How Caffeine Affects the Brain Effects on the Body You can feel the effects of caffeine in your system within a few minutes of ingesting it, and it stays in your system for many hoursâ€"its half-life can range from as little as two hours to as long as 12 hours due to individual differences in metabolism and absorption.?? While in your body, caffeine affects the body in a variety of ways, including the following: Hormones Adenosine: Can inhibit the absorption of adenosine, which calms the body, which can make you feel alert in the short run, but can cause sleep problems later. (More on this below.)Adrenaline: Caffeine injects adrenaline into your system, giving you a temporary boost, but possibly making you fatigued and depressed later. If you take more caffeine to counteract these effects, you end up spending the day in an agitated state and might find yourself jumpy and edgy by night.Cortisol: Can increase the body’s levels of cortisol, the “stress hormoneâ€, which can lead to other health consequences ranging from weight gain and moodiness to heart disease and diabetes.??Dopamine: Caffeine increases dopamine levels in your system, acting in a way similar to amphetamines, which can make you feel good after taking it, but after it wears off you can feel ‘low’. It can also lead to physical dependence because of dopamine manipulation. How Caffeine Addiction Can Affect Your Health These changes caffeine makes in your physiology can have both positive and negative consequences, including the following: Sleep: Caffeine can affect your sleep by keeping you awake longer, thereby shortening the amount of sleep you get, and giving you less time in the restorative stages of sleep, which takes a toll on your level of alertness the next day and overall health.?? Interestingly, though, caffeine doesn’t affect the stages of sleep the way other stimulants do, so it’s a better choice than speed or other ‘uppers’ to use if you need to stay awake.Weight: Many experts believe that increased levels of cortisol lead to stronger cravings for fat and carbohydrates, and cause the body to store fat in the abdomen. (Abdominal fat carries with it greater health risks than other types of fat.) Also, if increased cortisol levels lead to stronger cravings for caffeine-laden foods, the body goes into a cycle that leads only to worse health. Research also suggests that caffeine may impair the ability to taste sweet flavors and increase cravings for sugar-laden treats.?? The good news, though, is that caffeine can speed up metabolism. Also, it can help the body break down fat about 30% more efficiently if consumed prior to exercise. (You must be exercising to get this benefit, though.) Additionally, caffeine can keep blood sugar levels elevated, leaving you feeling less hungry.Exercise: If caffeine elevates levels of cortisol and other hormones for a temporary boost after the caffeine wears off, the body can feel fatigued and feelings of mild to moderate depression can set in. This can make physical activity more difficult. On the positive side, caffeine has been found to enhance physical performance and endurance if it isn’t overused.?? This, combined with its effect of fat burning during exercise, can actually enhance workouts and enable you to get in better shape if you take it at the right time. Caffeine and Stress Because caffeine and stress can both elevate cortisol levels, high amounts of caffeine (or stress) can lead to the negative health effects associated with prolonged elevated levels of cortisol. If you ingest high levels of caffeine, you may feel your mood soar and plummet, leaving you craving more caffeine to make it soar again, causing you to lose sleep, suffer health consequences, and feel more stress. However, small to moderate amounts of caffeine can lift your mood and give you a boost. The Verdict on Caffeine With potential negative and positive health consequences, caffeine can be your friend, as long as you consume it in controlled doses. Here’s what you should remember about caffeine: Don’t Take Too Much: Because of the health risks (above) associated with higher levels of caffeine, as well as the risk of physical dependence that can come with four cups of coffee or more each day, it’s wise to limit your caffeine intake. (Withdrawal symptoms can include cravings, headache, fatigue and muscle pain.)??No Caffeine After 2 pm: Because sleep is important to proper physical functioning, and caffeine can stay in your system for eight hours or longer, you should cut off or limit your caffeine intake to the first part of the day to ensure that your sleep isn’t disrupted.Enjoy Caffeine With Physical Activity: Caffeine is best ingested before exerciseâ€"that way your performance is enhanced and the stress-management benefits of exercise can keep you healthy and feeling less stressed throughout the day. Can You Overdose on Caffeine?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Media Images Of African Americans - 2540 Words
Lilah Badery Senior project Ms.Hudacek 29 April, 2016 Media images of African Americans For years the media has been criticized for their representation of African Americans on television. African Americans have always been treated as second class citizens since the inception of this country. African American men and women have always been stereotyped and they still are till this day.The media presents an image that is skewed and changes how the society is today and how black men and women are being treated in their social and work aspect of life. Does the media accurately portray African American in our society or do they present an image that is skewed and does it affect them? There has been many films, music videos, movies and social media that prove the image they present today in media is very much skewed. The media bias has not only negatively impacted blacks relationship with law enforcement and the judicial system but also stretches out to how blacks are perceived in society. There has been a continuous pattern of between black males and females and criminality, especially in the news where they are not only portrayed as criminals but shown to be â€Å"threatening†for very obscure ways. In society today African American men are portrayed as musicians (rappers), athletes (basketball or football), criminals, uneducated, unemployed, lazy and are seen as very religious. African American women are seen as having daddy issues, being angry at all times,Show MoreRelated The Perpetuation of Negative Images of African Americans through Mass Media1701 Words  | 7 PagesNegative Images of African Americans through Mass Media Works Cited Not Included Why as white people have we been lulled into thinking its safe to be around other white people. Why have we been taught since birth that it’s the people of that other color we need to fear? They’re the ones that will slit your throat (Moore 57). The mass media has played and will continue to play a crucial role in the way white Americans perceive African-Americans. As a result of the overwhelming media focus onRead MoreThe Media As A System Of Racialization : Exploring Images Of African American Women And The New Racism2012 Words  | 9 PagesArticle 37- â€Å"The Media as a System of Racialization: Exploring Images of African American Women and the New Racism†In article 37, the author Marci points out an issue that women still face today. She discusses a new form of racism using media. She examines the progression of the â€Å"Jezebel†image. Popular media suggests that equality has been reached but in my opinion this is far from the truth. The problem remains at a deeper level that even some people might still not find a problem with the wayRead MoreThe Bad Image Of Black Athlete1522 Words  | 7 Pagesbad image of black athlete is one of the most important problems today. African American athletes are not that different from white athletes; however, media betrays a bad image of them for some unknown reasons. Our world is full of the great African-Americans who showed incredible result in professional sport. On one side, a lot of African-American athletes in the limelight right now come from nothing to somewhat. On the other side, there is a negative connotation that all African Americans haveRead MoreThe Bad Image Of Black Ath lete1584 Words  | 7 Pagesbad image of black athlete is one of the most important problems today. African American athletes are not that different from white athletes; however, media portrays a bad image of them for some unknown reasons. Our world is full of the great African-Americans who showed incredible results in professional sports. On one side, a lot of African-American athletes in the limelight right now come from nothing to somewhat. On the other side, there is a negative connotation that all African Americans haveRead MoreMedia Effects Body Image1656 Words  | 7 PagesApril 6, 2014 The Effects of Mass Media on African American Women Body Images Over the past 10 years, mass media and the access to social networks has evolved substantially causing the effects of negative self-image and what is considered beautiful. Body image expectations for both African-American male and female share the battles of society’s expectations, yet African American women body images come with a stricter and more unhealthy stigma; growth of social media such as Facebook, Instagram andRead MoreAfrican Americans During The 20th Century Essay948 Words  | 4 PagesObama. The question is always asked does the media reflect the reality of society, or does society try and imitate the reality shown by the media? There are a number of stereotypes associated with African Americans in our society such as African American men are athletes, rappers, criminals, deviant, streetwise, uneducated, and unemployed just to name a few. African Americans in the media have changed through the years. The history of African Americans on TV or minorities in gen eral is hampered byRead MoreThe General Public s View Of African American Athletes Essay1184 Words  | 5 Pagesstudy I would like to research how these articles effects the general public’s view of African American athletes. I would do this by surveying groups of classrooms, students around campus, and showing them athletes. I would show them both African American athletes and White Athletes. I would ask them how they feel about these athletes, why they feel this way about them, and what have they heard about them in the media. After collecting this data, and gathering my conclusion from it, I would like to goRead MoreThe Color Line : Mass Media And Systemic Racism1258 Words  | 6 Pagescolor line: Mass Media and Systemic Racism In the Souls Of Black Folk , Du Bois starts his collection by stating that â€Å"the problem of the Twentieth Century is the problem of the color line.†(p. 34 Forethought Du. Bois) Du Bois’s conception of the â€Å"problem of the color line†is an apt diagnosis for the problems about racialized identities of his time and is still applicable for the Twenty-first century. Du Bois’s â€Å"problem of the color line†can be seen operating in the dominant media coverage of recentRead MoreBeauty Between Beauty And Beauty1140 Words  | 5 Pageson how individuals or groups may view beauty. Media has had an influential role on how beauty becomes conceptualize. The overall portrayal and representation of the ideal image of beauty is solely based on the high power controllers within society. They are responsible for maintaining that aspect of dominance. But, also responsible for the distribution of how beauty should look. Body image, hair, and skin colo r are just a few categories that the media as well as society has analyzed to determineRead MoreCultural Studies On Race And Social Classes1124 Words  | 5 Pagespeople are discriminated is based on race and social classes. I will discuss how cultural studies and the media affect our everyday life in order to help us shape our opinions, attitudes and beliefs. The racial issues among television show for instance; The Cosby Show is a positive image of the African American show and The Jefferson showed negatively stereotypes and ethnic realism of African Americans. Throughout this paper I will discuss and describe the three articles of Stuart Hall cultural studies
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Spiritual Lessons of Muslim Revolutionists Imam Ali and...
A prominent element in regards to oral traditions surviving the testament of time is the simplicity, directness, and concision that such traditions tend to be composed of. This makes it appear as though these early simple teaching can have an endless stream of commentary stem from a small assortment of simple words. Certainly such phrases and sayings by highly revered Islamic revolutionists Imam Ali and Jalal al-din Rumi tend to be simple in design much like these oral traditions, but a careful analysis of their work will depict the true depth of their teachings. Through their teachings, these two men are able to clearly show the distinction between spirituality as their lessons greatly depend on the individual recognizing that faith is†¦show more content†¦Ali’s did not just use religious learning but also incorporated other forms of learning as well. Ali acknowledged that religious learning though important was not the only learning that an individual must learn, b ut that through knowledge of many things much more can be understood, â€Å"knowledge is of two kinds that which is absorbed and that which is heard. And that which is heard does not profit if it is not absorbed†(Cleary, 52). Indeed, Ali’s lessons on faith rely on that of the concept of knowledge. For Ali, being able to possess information about the affiliation between the concept of knowledge and of spirituality was of high importance. In none of his lessons does he seem to convey that it is possible to become knowledgeable and educated without faith, rather he advises that it is education without faith that is restricting. However, Ali does not recommended being overconfident in the obtainment of large amounts of knowledge, rather he suggest that the amount of knowledge an individual has must be used only in times of certainty, â€Å"Do not make your knowledge into ignorance and your certainty into doubt. When you know, act; and when you are certain, proceed†(Cleary, 47). Using knowledge as the foundation Ali then turns to the importance of faith and of spirituality. For Ali faith was of vital importance, and the concept of faith was built upon four elements and according
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Economic Freedom Free Essays
Part I. Introduction It has become apparent in recent years that the issue of vast globalization, economic development and its impact on various aspects of state wellbeing is the one that needs to be looked at very carefully. Moreover, direct investments into the country’s development and as a result improved quality of life are an additional incentive to increase the economic freedom level. We will write a custom essay sample on Economic Freedom or any similar topic only for you Order Now Throughout the centuries scholars and economists have argued on whether economic freedom based on private property and free markets is the only beneficial and effective form of economy formation or centralized system of governing is better. Myriad researches have been brought to public, however, our group believes economic freedom is currently in increasing phase of its development, and thus should be thoroughly examined and reviewed basing on country background and scores obtained. This, in our view, will help to accelerate the wellbeing of Kazakhstan and possibly attract additional cash inflows from external market players. The paper will examine the issue of economic freedom and indices it defines in more details, will cover all the aspects included in consideration of the latter concept and will try to assess the relationship between economic freedom and potential investments rise. Brief definition of basic concepts In order to be in line with the topic and understand it deeply, below we present some underlying definitions of basic concepts that will be used throughout the paper. The classic definition of economic freedom and its index is outlined below: â€Å"Individuals have economic freedom when property they acquire without the use of force, fraud, or theft is protected from physical invasions by others and they are free to use, exchange, or give their property as long as their actions do not violate the identical rights of others†James Gwartney and Robert Lawson Economic Freedom of the World: 1996 Annual Report As obtained from www. economicfreedom. org, â€Å"economic freedom is the key to greater opportunity and an improved quality of life. It’s the freedom to choose how to produce, sell, and use your own resources, while respecting others’ rights to do the same. While a simple concept, economic freedom is an engine that drives prosperity in the world and is the difference between why some societies thrive while others do not. †Considering economic freedom is the issue of highest importance as it deals with each and every aspect of our life. Having greater economic freedom, the society ensures higher income levels, decreased poverty, less unemployment percentages and overall healthier state position in terms of economical, financial and political development. Economic freedom index (EFI) is defined as â€Å"a ranking of countries based on the number and intensity of government regulations on wealth-creating activity. Metrics that an economic freedom index evaluates include international trade restrictions, government spending relative to GDP, occupational licensing requirements, private property rights, minimum wage laws and other government-controlled factors that affect people’s ability to earn a living and keep what they earn. †(Extracted from www. investopedia. com). For all over the years, The Heritage Foundation in partnership with The Wall Street Journal has tracked the trends in economic freedom around the world and assigned indices to each country. It is a valuable source to gather information from, and the current paper is mostly based on the latter findings. The key factors influencing the level of economic freedom are the personal choice, voluntary exchange coordinated by markets, freedom to enter and compete in markets and protection of individual property from aggression of other including the government intervention. This implies that in economically free society government protects the individuals and their property, maintain stable monetary environment, refrain from creating barriers to trade and fairly allocate benefits; however, in case a government substitutes taxes, government expenditures, and regulations for personal choice, voluntary exchange, and market coordination, it may reduce economic freedom and thus diminish quality of life of the whole state. Five broad areas are considered when summarizing and stating the index for a country: * Size of the government: meaning sound taxing (low marginal tax rates) and wise spendings from the side of the government. * Legal Structure and Security of Property Rights: this indicates the consistence of a state’s legal framework with property protection and application of the laws in various spheres of business conducting and everyday life. * Access to sound money: the essence of this concept is whether a government is able not to abuse its monopolistic power. To get high ratings here, a country’s inflation must be low and stable, and the government must permit people to own currencies of other nations†(Lawson, Robert A. , Economic Freedom, Library of Economics and Liberty) * Freedom to Trade Internationally: the core idea here is the presence of any barriers to free trade (quotas, restrictions or tariffs). * Regulation of Credit, Labor and Business: such concepts as minim um wages for workers, price controls, business licensing ; potential barriers to entry the business might be reviewed at this stage. Having examined the surface of the issue to be researched, we formulated the research question we are going to obtain the answer to at the end of the paper. Research question: Do countries that exhibit greater degrees of economic freedom perform better than those that do not and will the latter help Kazakhstan to attract more potential investments? Part II. Economic Freedom: Kazakhstani case In 2012 Kazakhstan scored 63. 6 in terms of economic freedom level, and thus ensuring Kazakhstani economy to be number 65th in the world list. As per the Heritage Foundation Report as of 2012, current country score is 1. 5 points higher in comparison with last year index. This amount represents slight improvements in property rights freedom, freedom from corruption and public spendings. Figure 1. 1 represents the history of indices obtained by the state in the last 5 years. Country| Year| Overall Freedom| Business Freedom| Financial Freedom| Kazakhstan| 2008| 61. 10| 56. 80| 60| Kazakhstan| 2009| 60. 10| 57. 90| 60| Kazakhstan| 2010| 61| 73. 50| 50| Kazakhstan| 2011| 62. 10| 74. 30| 50| Figure 1. 1 Figure 1. shows the overall trends of economic freedom indices throughout the time. It is clearly seen than in 2009 Kazakhstan scored the lowest, and the backup for this might be the substantial rise of global economic crisis. At that time the state encountered myriad barriers to healthy economic, financial and political environments, as it should have sustained positive financial balances all over the country, diminished bankrup tcy potential, saved money of its citizens and remained attractive for the external investments. From that time on Kazakhstan tend to increase its economic reedom index and the line of indicating the latter steadily goes up throughout the years 2010-2012, and the last Heritage Foundation Report proves the fact that the country continues its positive trend of advancing economic freedom and ensuring constant development. As presented in the graph on Figure 1. 2, the state has become one of the first to turn back to the expansion and recovery from the global crisis. This is ensured by the enhanced regulation efficiency (at least endeavors towards that) and constant policy reforms in various areas of country wellbeing. Figure 1. 2 The country also scores higher results if compared to the world and regional averages. As according to The Heritage Foundation, Kazakhstan ranks 11th out of 41 countries in Asia-Pacific region, and it is recorded one of the 20 largest score improvements in the 2012 Index considerations. Figure 1. 3 summarizes the above stated information and graphically represents Kazakhstani standpoint in comparison with global and regional averages indices. Figure 1. 3 The government of Kazakhstan being aware of the increased significance of economic freedom stability makes efforts in order to continue its positive index rising over time trend and adapts vast amount of laws, amendments and promotes individual’s freedom protection. â€Å"The link between economic freedom and prosperity is undeniable: the countries that score highly in terms of economic freedom also offer their people the best quality of life†(Azis Isa, Central Asian Free Market Institute Policy Analyst). Many empirical studies using the Economic Freedom Index reveal that a country’s economic freedom is highly correlated with its level of capital investment and the rate of economic growth (Gwartney and Lawson ; Holcombe, 2006). Non-monetary measures such as social welfare and peaceful and healthy state environment also directly correlate with EFI. Scully (2002) has found that economic freedom is correlated with more equal distributions of income across countries. Rise of GDP per capita levels, promotion of decreased poverty percentages in a given country are also affected by the economic freedom situation of the country. Below is the session of graphs analyzing the correlation of economic freedom levels with various aspects of a state development. Countries with more economic freedom have substantially higher per-capita incomes ans thus more stable economic wellbeing of the society. Figure 1. 4. As seen from the graphical representation, those states that fall into â€Å"most free†group tend to have more vast growth rates and as a result higher level of economic growth throughout the country. The difference between the first and the last groups is rather big, and that proves the above stated assumption. Figure 1. 6 represents the correlation between economic growth and income per capita among the poorest strata of the society. As per the graph, we can suppose there is a direct positive relationship between the variables. Figure 1. 6 Kazakhstan has mostly faced economic freedom challenges throughout its history. Being a young state, it had no solid experience to rely upon rather than remaining habits and regimes obtained during Soviet Union times of ruling. Kazakhstani people do not have much influence over the government and its regulations and laws and majority of them encounter many difficulties in business sphere entry levels, further conducting and maintaining of the latter as well as improving their own individual micro economy. However, there are some positive trends in formation of economic freedom in Kazakhstan, and year to year steady development as shown in the Heritage Foundation Report proves that same fact. As according to the Heritage Foundation Report, â€Å"excessive dependence on raw commodity exports makes the economy particularly vulnerable to global price changes. Rising commodity prices and improved domestic conditions encouraged substantial economic growth in 2010 and 2011†. The organization in partnership with the World Bank states Kazakhstan has an ambitious economic development program, which is planned to be outperformed in the nearest years, and outlines some problematic zones government of the country should pay intent attention to. The further section of the paper discusses the inefficient potential risk spheres the state should work on in order to relieve the situation in the future and continue its positive trend in developing economic freedom. Economic Freedom in Kazakhstan: Challenging restrictions Once the Annual 2012 Report is over and the country obtained its rating results, we recommend the government to consider the following currently inefficient spheres of the state wellbeing. Kazakhstan still faces many challenges on the way of improving its economic freedom level. * Rule of Law As stated in the Heritage Foundation Report, legal framework is currently very inefficient and actually does not cover some spheres of the freedom the way it should. For instance, intellectual property rights are still in a very shaky position and there is no clearly stated and stable position on that sophisticated issue from the side of the government. Although in the beginning of the current 2012 year there were some endeavors made in order to improve intellectual property rights in the country (banning some Internet resources sites, increased fines and jurisdiction cases), this particular policy just raised a new set of problems and questions and was vastly criticized from the side of the business owners as well as general public, because the new Law on Intellectual Property Rights interfered with basic Constitutional rights of every citizen to express the opinion and thoughts. In addition, the court system lacks the capacity to prove its stability and honesty – this year there were many cases of court system failure: judges were taken with bribes, inefficient cases regulations and many more. Recent changes in anti-corruption law only deepened the definition and presence of the latter in the society as it implies indirect potential involvement from the side of the governmental bodies. * Limited government Overall tax burden that exist in the country amounts in 21. 5 % of total domestic income. Government spendings are equivalent to 23. 5 percent of total domestic output. The difference between the two variables kept the substantially large oil revenues, thus relieving the whole situation and leaving public state debt standing at less than 15% of GDP. (as per the Heritage Foundation Annual 2012 report). * Regulatory efficiency ; Open markets Business freedom, labor freedom, monetary freedom inefficiencies cases could be considered in that particular section. They in overall have many problems, bureaucratic barriers and lack of regulation from the side of the government. Business freedom in Kazakhstan, for instance, lack the easy entry possibilities for the individuals, as it is very costly and takes much more time than it is expected to, moreover, increased level of governmental taxes, quotas and tariffs are also barriers to free trade between people and states. However, there are some positive sides in that area – potential WTO entry, expansion of Customs Union are the positive measures Kazakhstan is undertaking in this regard. As for the labor freedom, there is a tendency to think only about employers, leaving the employees aside. Thus, it is very cheap for a company to hire new employee, and it costs nothing to fire him/her. Moreover, in many national companies and even governmental bodies working day are non-scheduled and overtimes are not paid at all. This is a large problem for the whole country. Child labor issue should also be considered attentively when pondering about economic freedom rise. Monetary freedom could be interfered by the government as it may tend to distort domestic prices and try to influence many industries in a row. Inflation rate is also increasing from year to year. This year it tends to be fluctuating thus leaving the individual suffer from potential commodity prices rise. Below is the summary of inflation rates statistics. How to cite Economic Freedom, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Con- Tegan and Sara free essay sample
After stumbling upon Tegan and Sara accidentally, I became hooked. Their sound is unique, yet easy to relate to. I started listening to their latest work, progressing backwards to their very first album and have yet to be disappointed. Their latest CD, The Con, is simply amazing. The opening track, I Was Married, starts the album off with a beautiful melody, both simple and sweet. The title track, The Con, speeds things up a bit. One of the singles off the album, this is one of the most musically interesting as well. It has brilliant, if not slightly self pitying lyrics, such as, Nobody likes to but I really like to cry. Nobody likes me, maybe if I cry. Are You Ten Years Ago, has a slightly remixed type beat, with haunting lyrics. The first single off the album, Back In Your Head, is absolutely amazing. The music, the words- everything is perfect. We will write a custom essay sample on The Con- Tegan and Sara or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The next song, Hop a Plane, is another example of Tegan and Saras amazing songwriting abilities. The catchy beat and fast chorus are a perfect follow-up to the afforementioned song. My only complaint is that it ends too soon! Soil Soil, has perhaps the sweetest, most genuine lyrics on the entire CD. Its beauty lies in both the words and the music, and it is by far one of my favorites. Nineteen, is one of the better songs on the album, and will have you singing the infectious chorus in no time. The following track, Floorplan, took a couple of listens for me to really appreciate its beauty, but it quickly became one of the most-played tracks. The last song, Call it Off, is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. Tegan delivers breathtaking lyrics, and when backed by her sister Saras vocals, the song approaches perfection. I recommend this album to those who like indie or alternative music, as well as those looking to add something different to their collection. You wont be disappointed.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Protein Synthesis Essays - Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology
Protein Synthesis The process of Protein Synthesis involves many parts of the cell. Unlike other similar productions, this process is very complex and precise and therefore must be done in proper sequence to work effectively. The slightest error during this process could cause the action to experience difficulty or even fail. For example, in the production of starch, glucose molecules are combined to be stored and eventually utilized as usable chemical energy. The cell can break down the starch with little difficulty as if each molecule was identical, even though there is a wide variety of molecules. This is a different case in Protein Synthesis. In Protein Synthesis, there are twenty different amino acids and if one is out of place than is will effect the specificity of the protein. In a healthy person, the protein hemoglobin can be found in red blood cells, hemoglobin is helps with the transfer of respiratory gases from the blood to the tissues of the body. With an illness called sickle-cell anemia, the red blood cells are changed from a round, disk shape to a floppy looking sickle shape. These cells therefore cannot pass through small blood vessels due to their divergent shape. The actual cause of this mutation is a gene disorder, where the sixth codon of the protein glutamaric acid is changed with valine. This small change in the genetic code can cause severe defects in the effected such as blood clots, severe disorders and even death. All this can result from a misinterpretation in one codon in a chain of hundreds! Protein synthesis acts in this way, that is if there is only the most minuscule mistake it can have monstrous effects. THE BASICS OF DNA AND GENES Protein synthesis first begins in a gene. A gene is a section of chromosome compound of deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. Each DNA strand is composed of phosphate, the five-carbon sugar deoxyribose and nitrogenous bases or nucleotides. There are four types of nitrogenous bases in DNA. They are (A)denine, (G)uanine, (T)hymine, (C)ytosine and they must be paired very specifically. Only Adenine with Thymine (A-T) and Guanine with Cytosine (G-C). To form a polynucleotide DNA, many nucleotides are linked together with 3`-5` phosphodiester linkages. In a complete molecule of DNA two of these polynucleotide strands are linked together by nitrogenous bases at 90 degrees to the sugar-phosphate "spine" (FIG. 1). The nitrogenous bases are held together with weak hydrogen bonds. One polynitrogenous chain runs in a 3'-5' direction, the 3' being the top hydroxyl and the 5' being the bottom phosphate attached to the carbon five of the sugar. The other string runs the opposite. The two strands of the structure cannot be identical but they are complimentary. There is no restrictions on the placement and sequence of the nucleotides, which becomes important in storage of information. TRANSCRIPTION: The Synthesis of RNA Genetic information would be rendered useless if the stored information did not have a way of reaching the desired focal area. Since protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm and the DNA must remain in the nucleus, a way of transporting the code is essential. This comes in the form of messenger ribonucleic acid or m-RNA. Since the information on the DNA must stay the same on the m-RNA, the two have to be very similar. There are three major differences between RNA and DNA. RNA is only a single strand. The five carbon sugar of RNA is ribose opposed to deoxyribose and in RNA the pyrimidine uracil (U) replaces DNA's pyrimidine thymine (T). Since RNA is produced from DNA, the nucleotides of RNA can hold the same information as the nucleotides of DNA because the code for amino acids is centered around the RNA structure. The process in which m-RNA is synthesized is called transcription. This process is similar to DNA replication in the way that for transcription to occur, the double helix DNA must be unwound as in DNA replication (FIG 2). The major difference between transcription and replication is that in transcription only one of the strands is used as a template and only one m-RNA strand is produced. Transcription can be broken up into three parts in order to be understood. These steps are: i)initiation, ii)elongation and iii)termination. Initiation of transcription is how the transcription begins. The enzyme responsible for m-RNA synthesis is called RNA polymerase 2. The RNA polymerase knows where to begin transcription because it is coded into the DNA. Elongation of transcription represents how the process happens. This occurs the same way as DNA replication, with the
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Gr6 Essay- Human activity and endangered species B Essays
Gr6 Essay- Human activity and endangered species B Essays Gr6 Essay- Human activity and endangered species By Emilia Quinlan "An endangered species is a species of wild animal or plant that is in danger of extinction through out all or a significant portion of its range" (About Education) In this Essay I will be choosing two endangered species. I will choose one endangered animal and one endangered plant. The endangered animal that I will be talking about is a Cross river gorilla (gorilla gorilla dielhi). The endangered plant that I will be talking about is a Rafflesia flower (Rafflesia arnoldii). Cross River Gorilla A cross river gorilla was very hard to study until the past decade or so. Because they were thought to be extinct by many scientists. "Cross river gorillas are scattered in at least 11 groups across the lowland montane forests and rainforests of Cameroon and Nigeria, an area of 3,000 square miles, or about twice the size of Rhode island." (WWF) Physical Description: "The Cross River gorilla is a subspecies of the western gorilla." It also comes from the other subspecies, Western lowland gorilla, it has a similar skull and tooth dimensions.(WWF) Food chain; Sun - flowers - cross river gorilla - leopard Another food chain; Sun - leaves - cross river gorilla - humans Last food chain; Sun - fruit - cross river gorilla- crocodile Population: 200 to 300 individuals. (WWF) Habitats: Forest habitat(WWF) Status: Critically endangered The cross river gorilla's scientific name is Gorilla gorilla diehli .(WWF) Main Threats: Habitat loss- The cross river gorilla group, manly live in unprotected forests and face the threat of habitat loss through logging and as local people treat their habitat bad and clear the land for agriculture and cattle grazing.(WWF) Hunting- The cross river gorilla's are being hunted due to hunters moving in. (illegally) (WWF) Low reproduction- The cross river gorilla has very low reproduction due to hunters and habitat loss. This means that there is a very low population and is very hard to reproduce therefore they will become more endangered and eventually extinct. Conclusion My conclusion for the cross river gorilla is help them by leaving there habitat alone and going somewhere else to log and agriculture. Another point is to stop hunting so they can not become extinct and they can have more cross river gorillas across Africa and the world. Rafflesia flower The Rafflesia flower does not have leaves, a steam, a root and is the biggest flower on earth. It is very rare and critically endangered. It is indeed the most magnificent and largest flower in the world. It was discovered in 1818 by Sir Stamford Raffles and "was mostly named after him self and his companion, surgeon-naturalist Dr James Arnold."( Rafflesia , the worlds largest bloom) " Raflesia ." Rafflesia , The World's Largest Bloom, Accessed 6 Mar. 2017. (bibliography for worlds largest bloom) This jungle flower of south-east Asia holds the all time record-breaking bloom of 106.7 centimeters (3ft 6 inches) diameter and in fact 11 kg (24 lb ) weight and the petals are an inch thick. ( Rafflesia , the worlds largest bloom) The Rafflesia flower is one of the rarest flowers in the world and is critically endangered therefore on its way to extinction.( Rafflesia , the worlds largest bloom) The scientific name for the Rafflesia flower is Rafflesia arnoldii after a man called Dr James Arnold discovered it and called it that in 1818. ( Rafflesia , the worlds largest bloom) A common name that people call it is the corpse flower because apparently it smells like rotten flesh.(Kew Royal botanic gardens ) Main Threats A main threat is that people are building a highway for more human access and is killing the Rafflesia flower habitat also humans are clearing out land to plant banana trees therefore the Rafflesia flower is losing their habitat and the population continues to decrease so they are in danger. (Red list) Another threat is that the Rafflesia flower has an extremally unbalanced sex ratio and there is more males then females so when it comes to reproduction it is very hard to find another male flower close by and if not the petals eventually die and decreases the population. (
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Answering the paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Answering the paragraph - Essay Example Ceramics- Nowadays advanced ceramic materials are used for building to make turbine engines as they work more efficiently. Nowadays heat resistant ceramic tiles are used to protect during re – entry. Modern ceramics contain more components that before and are known as ceramic oxides.High temperature ceramics are also lately used in air craft making. â€Å"Engineered ceramics are increasingly being used in commercial and military aircraft, and have been used in the space shuttle and its equipment for many years†. Polymers – In modern aircrafts polymers are used to built airframe, window protection, interior trim, lightly stressed parts, and electrical insulators. The current invented polymer fibers are high in strength and can equal steel. New progression in polymer is the production of low cost polymers as polyethylene.. Composites – composites are an integral part of aircraft structure and there had been a great progression in this material within years. Composites like ceramic composites, polymer composites, carbon- fiber composites all have made the air craft develop vastly. Carbon fiber, aramid fiber is also common composites used for aircraft. Most of the airframe are made of composites and are highly cost – effective and durable. ... Since decades, aircraft technology has changed and the desire of humans for better quality and service has motivated the engineering world to find materials that are advanced. Now all the materials used for aircraft building have been progressed and many are less costing and have high durability. One of the advantages is that, new materials need less of maintenance and last for longer time. As the scientific world is improving the researchers want to make best use of nature and technology to satisfy customer needs and wants. Question 2. List 3 different nano materials and explain why they have become the major buzzword in Science over the last 20 years. Nanomaterials are things that are made with nano particles and are produced using nanotechnology. They are chemical substance which has increased strength, conductivity and light weight. Nano materials are new invention in engineering field and are highly demanded for their sophistication. The different nanomaterials are as follows. F ullerenes Fullerenes are carbon structures made with nanotechnology and have hollow cage like form. It has 60 atoms of carbon and is composed of pure carbon molecule. It has a shape of that of a soccer ball or a dome. It is a highly promising element in material science as it can be used for medical applications, fiber optics and super conductors. Fullerenes are similar to graphite in structure and can also come in spherical shapes. Carbon Nanotubes Carbon nanotube is another nanomaterial which is made of carbon and comes in tube shape. They have a diameter which measures on a nanometer scale. Carbon nanotubes come in many shapes and sizes with number of layers. They are formed from graphite
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Edit and adjust accordingly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Edit and adjust accordingly - Essay Example Agency source of power has to do with the power to make decisions on the use of the agency’s human and material resources. This includes the restructuring of the organization, changing staff schedules, unbundling of production process or entering into strategic partnership for the purpose of improving quality of goods and services and/or empowering clients. Closely related to agency source of power is legitimate power. This is the power one has by virtue of his position in an organization. Having legitimate powers means having authority or control over the behaviours and performances of others. The president of a company has legitimate power over all other employees of the company. He can give every other person orders and expect him/her to obey. Expert power is the power that even individuals at the lower levels of the organizational structure can acquire and accumulate. The possession of superior knowledge, ideas, skill, experience and abilities, and how these are used can earn one reputation and power. An employee with expert power is a master in his professional niche and he can use the power s/he accumulates to sway others into taken decisions that affect the overall functioning of the organization. Until my employment, the company I am working with was into hotel business. It nearly crumbled due to superior competition. The business was sustained with returns from the president’s plantation. The ‘management’ of the hotel was then lead by a president and had two-level organizational structure. No line managers. No board meetings. It was small. Every employee reported to the president. Two of the four senior employees were sons of the president. They were presidents-in-the-waiting. The business was on the verge of been mismanaged as family business if not for the president’s foresightedness. He knew his children were incapable of managing the inherited business. The hotel needed
Monday, January 27, 2020
Family and Juvenile Delinquency
Family and Juvenile Delinquency The family is the foundation of humanity. Children who are rejected by their parents, who grow up in homes with considerable conflict, or who are inadequately supervised are at the greatest risk of becoming delinquent. Adolescence is a time of expanding vulnerabilities and opportunities that go along with it, widens social and geographic exposure to life beyond school or family. Family is one of the most influential institutions in socializing a child. Being raised in a single parent home can lead to delinquency, regardless if it was because of divorce/separation, death, or incarceration. The outcome of the childs life is considerably different compared to a child who has a stable life with both parents. With only one parent, a child may receive only half the guidance given by two parents. This usually results in the child making wrong decisions like getting involved with other risk factors such as school problems or dropping out. The way we are socialized by our surroundings has a dramatic impact on whether we become delinquents. The composition of families is one aspect of family life that is consistently associated with delinquency. Children who live in homes with only one parent or in which marital relationships have been disrupted by divorce or separation are more likely to display a range of behavioral problems including delinquency, than children who are from two parent families (Thornberry, et al. 1999). Children who witness marital discord are at greater risk of becoming delinquents. Previous research has demonstrated associations between exposure to parental divorce and marital conflict while growing up and childrens psychological distress in adulthood (Amato Sobolewski 2001). Social learning theory argues that aggressive behavior is learned; as parents display aggressive behavior, children learn to imitate it as an acceptable means of achieving goals (Wright Wright 1994). When parents are divorced and there is just one parent to take care of the child, the child is quick to feel just half there. If it is the mother who has the child, she may have to work to support him, and she would not be able to be home when he comes home from school. If he comes home and finds the home empty, he would not stay there, but he will go out with his peers. The gang will then get bored and look around for something to do. This will lead to stealing possibly, and these activities can go on until they end in murder or drug addiction. Parents teach children to control unacceptable behavior, to delay indulgence, and to respect the rights of others. On the contrary, families can teach children aggressive, antisocial, and violent behavior (Wright Wright 1994). This statement alone could easily explain how the juvenile may end up becoming a delinquent. Wright and Wright (1994) suggest positive parenting practices during the early years and later in adolescence appear to act as buffers preventing delinquent behavior and assisting adolescents involved in such behavior to desist from delinquency. Gorman-Smith and Tolan (1998) found that parental conflict and parental aggressiveness predicted violent offending; whereas, lack of maternal affection and paternal criminality predicted involvement in property crimes. Familial characteristics suggesting familial antisocial behavior or values such as family history of criminal behavior, harsh parental discipline, and family conflict have been among the most consistently linked. In another study conducted by Gorman-Smith and her colleagues, data show that children are more likely to resort to violence if there is violence within relationships that they may share with their family (Gorman-Smith, et al. 2001). In the realm of family functioning there is a theory known as the coercion theory, which suggests that family environment influences an adolescents interpersonal style, which in turn influences peer group selection (Cashwell Vacc 1996). Peers with a more coercive interpersonal style tend to become involved with each other, and this relationship is assumed to increase the likelihood of being involved in delinquent behavior. Thus understanding the nature of relationships within the family, to include family adaptability, cohesion, and satisfaction, provides more information for understanding youth (Cashwell Vacc 1996). The cohesiveness of the family successfully predicted the frequency of delinquent acts for non-traditional families (Matherne Thomas 2001). Family behaviors, particularly parental monitoring and disciplining, seems to influence association with deviant peers throughout the adolescent period (Cashwell Vacc 1994). Among social circumstances which have a hand in determi ning the future of the individual it is enough for our present purpose to recognize that family is central (Wright Wright 1994). Juby and Farrington(2001) claim that there are three major classes that explain the relationship between disrupted families and delinquency; trauma theories, life course theories, and selection theories. The trauma theories suggest that the loss of a parent has a damaging effect on children, most commonly because of the effect on attachment to the parent. Life course theories focus on separation as a long drawn out process rather than a discrete event, and on the effects of multiple stressors typically associated with separation. Selections theories argue that disrupted families are associated with delinquency because of pre-existing differences in family income or child rearing methods, for example (Juby Farrington 2001). Communication also plays a big role in how the family functions. Clark and Shields (1997) state that the importance of positive communication for optimal family functioning has major implications for delinquent behavior. They also discovered that communication is indeed related to the commission of delinquent behavior and differences are shown within categories of age, sex, and family marital status. Klein and Forehand (1997) suggest that the prediction of juvenile delinquency in early childhood depends on the type of maternal parenting skills that are imposed upon the child during early adolescence. Muehlenberg (2002) poses the question of how do children from single parent family homes fare educationally compared to children from intact two parent families. In most cases, delinquents have been viewed as individuals who come from less intact families, often referred to as broken homes. Typically, the term broken home has been structured to mean children residing in single-parent households or any type of household other than a household in which both biological parents are present (Rankin, 1983; Geismar Wood, 1986). In contrast, an intact family usually refers to a nuclear family arrangement in which both biological parents reside in the household with their biological children (Kierkus Baer, 2002). Intact family arrangements differ from other modern-day family arrangements including single-parent arrangements, two-parent arrangements involving a stepparent, extended family member arrangements, and the adoptive/foster family arrangement (Wells Rankin, 1986). Since 1970, the proportion of American households that have children who live with both parents has declined substantially. In 1970, 64 percent of African American children lived with two parents, compared with 35 percent in 1997; comparable figures for white children are 90 percent and 74 percent, respectively (Lugaila, 1998). According to some estimates, as many as 40 percent of white children and 75 percent of African American children will experience arental separation or divorce before they reach age 16 (Brayand Hetherington, 1993) and many of these children will experience multiple family disruptions over time (Furstenberg and Cherlin, 1991). Sometimes the focus is taken off the mother and shifted towards the father. The lack of emphasis on the role of fathering in childhood conduct problems is especially unfortunate given that there are several reasons why fathers can be expected to be particularly significant in the initiation and persistence of offspring offending. For example, fathers are particularly likely to be involved with sons who are at higher risk than daughters of delinquent behavior (Flouri Buchannan 2002). Popenoe(1997) states that fatherlessness is a major force behind many disturbing US social problems. The institution of marriage acts as cultures chief vehicle to bind men to their children. The absence of fathers from childrens lives is one of the most important causes related to childrens well being such as increasing rates of juvenile crime, depression and eating disorders, teen suicide, and substance abuse. Two parent households provide increased supervision and surveillance of property, while single parenthood increases likelihood of delinquency and victimization simply by the fact that there is one less person to supervise adolescent behavior (Wright Wright 1994). Children, regardless of whether they are a product of a single parent or dual parent household, are more likely to become juvenile delinquents if there is a minimum amount of quality time spent with the guardians. Guardians actually need to be parents rather than just provide for the child. Parents provide structure which entails rules, encouragement, and any type of consistent adult behavior that a juvenile can use as guidelines throughout his or her own adolescent years. Although a majority of delinquents are from single parent households, delinquency is fostered by a lack of parental/juvenile interaction. Monitoring the child is also a major contribution towards the creation of delinquency. By spending time with a juvenile as a family through family activities, it not only provides that necessary supervision for being aware of the whereabouts of the child, how the child is functioning emotionally, and how he or she is doing as an adolescent, it creates positive interaction with th e parents that is needed for a healthy upbringing. Reference Page Amato, Paul and Juliana M. Sobolewski. 2001. The effects of divorce on adult childrens psychological well-being. American Sociological Review. 66: 900-921. Cashwell, Craig S. and Niccholas A. Vacc. 1996. Family Functioning and Risk Behaviors: Influences on adolescent delinquency. School Counselor. 44: 105-15. Geismar, L.L., Wood, K.M. (1986). Family and delinquency: Resocializing the young offender. New York: Human Sciences Press. Gorman-Smith, Deborah and Patrick H. Tolan. 1998. Relation of family problems to patterns of Delinquent involvement among urban youth. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 26: 319-34. Gorman-Smith, Deborah, Patrick Tolan, Ashli J. Sheidow, and David B. Henry. Partner Violence and Street Violence among Urban Adolescents: Do the Same Family Factors Relate? Journal of Research on Adolescence.11: 273-95. Hagan, John and Holly Foster. 2001. Youth violence and the end of adolescence. American Sociological Review. 66: 874-899. Immarigeon, Russ. 1996. Families know best. State Government News. 39: 22-4. Juby, Heather and David P. Farrington. 2001. Disentangling the Link between Disrupted Families and Delinquency. British Journal of Criminology. 41: 22-40. Kierkus, C., Baer, D. (2002). A social control explanation of the relationship between family structure and delinquent behavior. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 44 (4), 425-458. Klein, Karla and Rex Forehand. 1997. Delinquency during the transition to early adulthood: Family and parenting predictors from earlyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Adolescence. 32: 61-81. Muehlenberg, Bill. 2002. The case for two-parent family Part II. National Observer. 53: 49-58. Popenoe, David. 1997. Life without Father. New Jersey, US: Annual Conference of the NCFR Fatherhood and Motherhood in a Diverse and Changing World. Prochnow, Jane E. and James V. DeFronzo. 1997. The impact of economic and parental characteristics on juvenile misconduct. Journal of Emotional Behavioral Disorders. 5:119-128. Rankin, J. H. (1983). The family context of delinquency. Social Problems, 30, 466-479. Thornberry, Terence P., Carolyn Smith, Craig Rivera, David Huizinga, and Magda Stouthamer-Loeber. September 1999. Family Disruption and Delinquency. Juvenile Justice Bulletin. 1-7. Wells, L.E., Rankin, J.H., (1986). The broken homes model of delinquency: Analytic issues. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 23, 68-93. Wright, Kevin N. and Karen E. Wright. 1994. Family Life, Delinquency, and Crime: A Policymakers Guide. Research Summary. Washington DC: OJJDP. 4-21.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Law of One Price in Financial Markets
The Law of One Price in Financial Markets Owen A. Lamont and Richard H. Thaler The Law of One Price is an economic way of rational perspective to explain the expectation of price uniformity of a particular commodity or say any economics goods across national boundaries. The law tries to explain what a market price condition of a given goods should be, all things being equal, across global boundaries. This law will hold where every variable that has a causality effect on price variation are held constant.That is where there is absence of transaction cost and no restriction or barrier to trades Lamont and Thaler (2003) try to use real word scenario to explain the functionality and effectiveness of the law of one price. Under the assumption that the law could be realistic in completive market with no transaction and barrier to trade cost. The point of interest is to see whether this law could be violated. Using the aspirin market as an example, Lamont and Thaler are able to justify that it is very easy to violate the law in a consumer goods market.There are many factors that shape the consumer buying decision and some of these factors can actually lead to the violation of the law of one price. Example of such factors may include consumer foreknowledge about a product, influence of friends and family, perception about substitute goods or similar goods with brand variation. Owing to the factors that influence consumers buying decision of a consumers goods, it is difficult for Arbitrageur to have any influence in consumer goods market thereby causing the violation of the law of one price .Lamont and Thaler says there exist no open way to sell short a consumer product and because of preconception about a consumer product by the consumer, it is very difficult to predict when consumer will see the error in their way. In most instances, consumers realize their mistakes during post purchase evaluation Thaler and Lamont try to find see if the Law of one price is actually b eing kept in the financial market where there is room for short selling and transaction cost are pretty low. Using several examples from the financial arket, it is obvious that this law is being violated more often. Closed end investment fund or mutual fund case sighted by Thaler and Lamont might seems to be in violation of the Law of one price, but obviously from the analysis, the closed end mutual fund security and the underlying asset are not identical. And the fee charge by a fund manager for his service is somewhat rational. On the other hand, the ADR example using the Infosys example reflects the violation of the law of one price as obviously there are large discrepancies between the two prices.In the case of Twin share of Ryal Dutch and Shell, it is surprising that Royal Dutch was selling at a higher value than Dell even though it is pretty much a share of the same company but after the announcement that the US is dropping all foreign share, the market quickly reacted to the information and the premium on Royal Dutch dropped from 6% to 1% within 24 hours. Obviously, it the incident is a clear indication of the violation of the law of one price considering the fact that there are room for short selling and an ample opportunity for arbitrager to even get involvedConsidering all the cases presented by Thaler and Lamont, it is submitted that economists do need to focus more on whether the market is sending the right signal to the to the market participants or not. It can be concluded from the case studies that the law of one price should hold only if the same asset is selling at different price in different market simultaneously, then the arbitrageurs could step in take advantages of price differences which will allow it to make some pretty money for him/her self before the market get to equilibrium.However, it is logical to say that no two securities are completely identical. Nonetheless, it may be reasonable to say that arbitrageurs could still make some decent living in the presence of imperfect information in the financial market Work Cited Lamont, Owen A. and Richard H. Thaler. Journal of Economic Perspectivesâ€â€Volume 17, Number 4â€â€Fall 2003â€â€Pages 191–202
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Foucault Questions Essay
What are the limitations? 2. What distinctions can be made between the ordering and controlling of leprosy and the plague? 3. What does Foucault mean by â€Å"rituals of exclusion†and â€Å"†disciplinary projects†? 4. How does the panoptic mechanism differ from a dungeon? What are the principal characteristics of each? What are the goals of each? 5. What importance does Foucault attribute to â€Å"visibility†? What role do visibility and invisibility play in panoptic structures of power? . Foucault states, â€Å"The plague-stricken town, the panoptic establishment – the differences are important. †What are those differences and how are they important? 7. In describing Panopticism, Foucault is meticulous in tracing the historical evolution of the panopticon as a disciplinary mechanism. What is his purpose in doing so? Why is he so careful? 8. Outline the major historical events Foucault cites. With what example(s) does Foucault begin? With wh at does he end? 9. What does Foucault mean when he says that disciplinary projects moved from the margins of society to the center? What is meant by â€Å"margin†? What is meant by â€Å"center†? What is the significance of this transition of discipline from the margins to the center? 10. What does Foucault mean when he says that societies of antiquity were â€Å"societies of spectacle†and modern societies are â€Å"societies of surveillance†? What are the differences? What historical events created such differences?
Friday, January 3, 2020
Personal Narrative My Learning Journey Essay - 1063 Words
Dear Vivek, Hope you are doing well in Pune, I am writing this latter to tell you about my learning journey in my college in New Zealand. As you know I started my classes from 17th July 2014, in this term I learned two subjects. Here I am sharing my experience of one subject that is ‘Facilitating Training and Development’ and as you know I always called subject by their code so, for this subject the code is DHCS 202. Now I will tell you about my class, tutor and duration of term. This was my first term here and it was of 10 weeks, in my class we were 3 students and 1 tutor her name was Stephanie. Now I start with my experience in 1st week I learned about how people behave in various situation and about their reaction and facial expirations. This will going to help in future career when I will be work as tutor or manager. After this I attended the guest lecture over Skype by Jan Henderson she is an educator in District Health board here. In this lecture I learnt about the team work and its importance. In 2nd week I learned the leading needs in the health organisations in this I came to know how one can identify the various needs in the health field and health professions. In this week I also learn some theories like Johari window and VAK. I know you have good knowledge about Johari window as we learned it in college so, I will say about VAK theory this is very good to understand the learning style of someone by using this my learning style is kinaesthetic. With this all IShow MoreRelatedThe Mono Tale Of The Hero s Journey1549 Words  | 7 Pagesopportunity to obtain it. I will retell my literacy journey in a way that encompasses one of my favorite theories in writing, the mono-tale of the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell. This theory states that the Hero’s journey is a pattern in a narrative that forms the basic template of all great stories (Gunn 1). Call to adventure My childhood has revolved in the same area. 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Southern New Hampshire University’s English Composition course is my first attempt at redemptive accomplishment. When I began this writing course, I was asked what I hoped to accomplish. I even wroteRead MoreReflection About Reading1072 Words  | 5 Pages I was disinterested with reading from a young age. I loved having my parents read to me, but had little desire to take the initiative myself. To this day I can still remember the first book my dad ever read to me, Go Dog Go. Those cardboard-like pages of dogs and the soothing nursery rhyme verses hooked me. The combination of the drawings and hearing my dad’s voice stimulated my cognitive process and allowed me to make personal connections with the text. Despite only being a curious listener thisRead MoreA Classroom Management Strategies Can Enhance Student Learning1197 Words  | 5 PagesI observed North Middle School for my second set of observations. Through observing middle school, I saw various techniques of classroom management, some of which I had never thought of when thinking about teaching. I witnessed some techniques that were incredible and very effective, while also witnessing techniques that did not seem to control the classroom. It was interesting to make the connection between a controlled classroom and effective teaching. I did not realize how much successful classroomRead MoreReflection On Personal Reflection1307 Words  | 6 PagesPERSONAL REFLECTION 2 PERSONAL NARRATIVE This assignment seems to be the most difficult to write because it will encompass a wealth of information. The most important part of this assignment is the opportunity to reflect on the course assignments and the impact this foundational base will have for future classes. Every event in life has to start somewhere and this start sets the stage forRead MoreNarrative Writing : High School917 Words  | 4 Pagessemester. Very confident in my writing ability as my high school featured a grueling English department and having received high grades on my history and sociology essays in first semester classes, I presumed that I wouldn’t learn anything in FWS. Though I struggled with the drafting process, as my preferred method of essay writing involved writing the entire piece to perfection in one sitting and then turning it in, I figured that since I received good grades on papers, my writing did not need andRead MoreA Research Study On Social Justice Work864 Words  | 4 Pagesas a â€Å"troubled youth.†With the following I will be able to get a better understanding on how I would like to develop my potential career field aspect along with changing the world for the generation after me. My Plan: In order to get the concept and the importance of one on one interviews. I have developed a format via email that I emailed to three of my friends to practice my interview process on. The email reads the following: â€Å"Subject: Request for Informational Interview Good Morning: I amRead MorePsy/230 Personal Narrative Essay803 Words  | 4 PagesFinal Project Personal Narrative PSY/230 September 23, 2012 Rehema Underwood Final Project Personal Narrative I would have to say looing back over the last five years my life has developed in to exactly what I have always wanted it to be. After going through a nasty divorce about eight years ago I went on a path of self destruction. I started drinking heavily and using drugs and a way to numb the pain I was going through. Finally after doing a few things that I’m really not proud of I
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