Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Problem with The Average American Diet - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1346 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/02/15 Category Health Essay Level High school Topics: Diet Essay Did you like this example? In this very second, approximately 350 slices of pizza are being consumed across the nation totaling 100 acres of pizza being eaten each day making it a $30 billion per year industry. Cheese has been found to be 70% fat, yet that has not stopped it from being a highly popular dish. The infamous Big Macs from McDonalds are sold each second for a total of $2304 at the rate of their demand. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Problem with The Average American Diet" essay for you Create order Consequently, Americans also spend $60 billion annually in weight loss programs. When the dietary components of the average American consist of 42% dairy and animal products, 51% refined and processed foods, and only 7% fruits and veggies, it shouldn’t be too surprising to find that our nation is being plagued with obesity and diseases such as heart attacks and diabetes at unprecedented rates. The invention of fast food has increased our convenience as well as our waistline. Furthermore, it can be noted that the biggest problem with this diet is specifically the fact that animal products are being processed and consumed in ways that is putting the health of Americans at risk. Nearly 15,000 years ago humans began hunting and gathering. Our eyes evolved to have the ability to see the bright colors of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables from many feet away while the meat that was hunted provided our ancestors with the protein that they needed to survive and make offspring. Due to the fact that meat has done so and it is synonymous with the word protein, many are led to the conclusion that vegan or vegetarian diets are not healthy; thus filling up their plates with steaks, fried chicken, and extra cheese pizza with processed pepperoni on top. However, besides providing people with protein, meat also comes packed with cholesterols and saturated fats that can raise your blood pressure and increase your chance of heart attack. Omnivores have a startling 50% chance of developing heart disease while lacto-ovo vegetarians are at 15% and vegans are at a mere 6%. Eating the flesh of cows is not the only health offense here; the trouble with drinking the milk of these mammals should also be noted. There is no other species on the planet that takes the milk from another animal and drinks it past their nurturing period, but we humans cruelly contribute to the slaughtering of more than 245,000 dairy cows per year only for the sake of our own selfish â€Å"needs.†We grow up believing that dairy milk is packed with calcium that will provide us with strong healthy bones due to the fact that the dairy industry is loaded with money and can spend millions on advertising and biased research that will lead us to believe so. Ironically, countries with the highest dairy consumption are also the ones with the highest rates of osteoporosis. In a world where corrupted industries are in control, it is crucial to become a conscious critical consumer who is aware of how the food we eat affects not only ourselves but the environment around us. Our addiction with animal products requires the raising of animals in ways that use unsustainable amounts of land, food, energy, and water. According to the Worldwatch Institute, over 51% of global greenhouse-gas emissions are a result of animal agriculture. As cows are being mainly conventionally fed GMO corn that is not natural to them, they release methane gas which further contributes to the climate change that is being experienced in this century. The land that is being used to farm these commercial animals in the first place is vastly inefficient. It takes up to 10 pounds of grains just to produce to produce 1 pound of meat, and the United States is using 56 million acres of land to grow feed for animals while only 4 million acres of land are used to grow feed for humans as repor ted by the U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification. Not only does it take vast amounts of land to sustain the average American diet, but it also uses insane amounts of the most crucial element on our planet: water. A single dairy cow needs to hydrate itself with 50 gallons of water per day, and twice that on a particularly hot day. More than 244 gallons of water are used to produce 1 pound of beef and it is well known that hamburgers are prevalent among our nation. The statistics and reports from environmentally conscious agencies, in regards to animal agriculture, point to the direction of being in disfavor to raising farm animals as their research outlines the impact that a diet consisting of meat and dairy has on our environment. With our cynical human nature, it can be easy to forget the impact that animal agriculture has on the animals themselves. Animal cruelty laws are strictly enforced in the defense of household pets, yet they do not seem to apply to the flesh that was slaughtered in order to end up in our digestive system. Why is it that mainly household animals have the privilege to live a long healthy life while cows and chickens are destined to live a life full of misery and abuse in a slaughterhouse? Every year, over 56 billion farmed animals are senselessly killed so that people’s taste buds can satisfied. Prior to having their lives flashed before their eyes, farmed animals are subjected to the cruelest living conditions. The factory farming industry does its best to maximize output while minimizing costs. In order to do so, animals are constrained of space to the point where they can’t even turn around or lie down. To make matters worse, antibiotics are used to make the animals gro w abnormally large and keep them alive in unsanitary conditions. This use of antibiotics has also been known to lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can threaten human health. Essentially, factory farms have egg-laying hens clustered in small cages, chickens and pigs in jam-packed sheds, and cows in crowded filthy lots. Female cows are further victims of cruelty as they are born into a tragedy in which they are artificially inseminated and genetically manipulated to produce 4.5 times as much milk than they naturally would. Calves are taken from their mothers 1 to 3 days after their birth with females being sentenced to the same fate as their mothers and male calves becoming disregarded as worthless by the dairy industry to become veal. When the facts and the solid truth behind this particular problem- the problem with the average American diet-is brought into light, the solution becomes quite obvious: Americans need to simply stop selfishly consuming flesh foods that hurt themselves and the whole ecosystem. Despite how sensitive of a topic diet can be the truth must outweigh this. Most of our population is sadly addicted to the unhealthy foods in their diet; for instance, when people make the experimental switch to a vegan diet a majority of them report missing cheese above everything else. This makes sense since cheese contains dairy proteins, called casomorphins, that act as mild opiates attaching to the same brain receptors as heroin and other narcotics inducing a tiny hit of dopamine with every bite. However, like any addiction, it can be very difficult to overcome but it is not impossible. Social support from our culture can help. Over the years, in this information era, more people have been switching to a ve gan diet. No longer do we have vegan markets as a scarcity within cities, but we now have entire markets, food brands, and restaurants that promote vegan food in their business: Whole Foods, Daiya, Earth Balance, are just a few examples. There is hope that our external world is adapting and a decision to change among individuals must come from within. Switching to a vegan diet has become known to reverse diabetes symptoms and help heal other health diseases. Currently, vegans are the ones with the lowest BMIs out of every other diet. Without a doubt, deciding to be part of a diet that is plant-based will help benefit not only your own health, but also the state of the environment, and it will save the lives of innocent farm animals. One person can make a difference.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A Brief History Of Rock And Roll And The Woodstock Music...
A Brief History of Rock and Roll and The Woodstock Music Festival of 1969 Throughout history, major social transformations have taken place that has changed how people perceive themselves and the world around them. With each social reformation, cultural forms and institutions also change as well as their meanings. For Example, the development of recording and electronic communication within United States capitalism spurred the unique coming together of music traditions in twentieth century United States society. The development of these technologies allowed music to reach beyond regional boundaries, which led to the clashing of vastly different cultures of all parts of the United States. The most influential form of music spread across†¦show more content†¦Such double-images were nothing new in blues music (which was mostly limited in exposure to jukeboxes and clubs) but were new to the radio airwaves. After the success of Good Rocking Tonight many other rhythm and blues artists used similar titles through the late 1940s including a song called Ro ck and Roll recorded by Wild Bill Moore in 1949. These songs were mostly played as part of rhythm and blues, but at the time was called â€Å"race music†. and were barely known by mainstream white audiences. Rock and Roll emerged as a defined musical style in America in the 1950s, though elements of rock and roll can be seen in rhythm and blues records as far back as the 1920s. Early rock and roll combined elements of blues, boogie woogie, jazz and rhythm and blues, and is also influenced by traditional folk music, gospel music, and country and western. One example of the success and power that Rock and Roll inflicted on our nation was the Woodstock Music Festival that took place in 1969. Woodstock was a famous music and art fair that occurred in August of 1969.It was an important event in the history of rock music and happened at a time where rock music was becoming even more popular. Many things happened before, during and after Woodstock that made it important in the history of rockShow MoreRelated The Extraordinary Jimi Hendrix Essay2402 Words  | 10 Pagesextraordinary performances, recording, and lyrics of James Marshall Hendrix have made him impossible to forget. This American rock music guitarist made a legendary mark not only in the history of rock n roll but also on the pop culture as a whole (Ross 32). With unique techniques never seen before and blatant sex-related performances on stage, he became one of the most influential music figures of the 60s (Kamin). Hendrix was not born into stardom nor was it given to him by any means. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
The Hobbit The Motivation of Lust Essay Example For Students
The Hobbit The Motivation of Lust Essay Anyone who had something of great value stolen from him would try to get it back. Even if that person had to go to high risks to reclaim what was theirs. In the book The Hobbit, a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, a wizard named Gandalf, and thirteen dwarves have to get back their lost treasure that a character named Smaug stole. To reclaim their treasure they have to travel a long distance to the Lonely Mountain where Smaug is hiding . Throughout their journey they encounter many life-hindering experiences. Dangers and obstacles pop up everywhere. The reason why this group goes to such great lengths to get their treasure is because of one reason, which is their motivation of lust. Lust created the conflict in this story. The conflict is the most important literary element because it directly affects everyone in the story. There are many conflicts, but the main one is between the dwarves and their lust for their lost treasure that Smaug has stolen. This conflict creates the basis for the story. Plus, there were conflicts added on because of this main conflict. Their journey to the Lonley Mountain consisted of one conflict after another. Even though the conflicts on their journey are not as important as the main conflict, they are what make this book interesting. Tolkiens choice of the main conflict is not the most creative. It is based upon the traditional story of going out and taking back what is yours. If I had to choose something I didnt like about the book, it would be this simple plot. It is a good thing he added such adventurous conflicts to this story, otherwise it would not be a good piece of literature. Through the conflicts in this story, the author has a lesson for the reader. The lesson is if one wants something bad enough, he must be ready to suffer the consequences. To claim the treasure the group has to go through a lot. Some examples of this are being abducted by an army of goblins, being captured by giant spiders, and being captured by woodland elves. If a person has a goal for himself, he too will have to go through hard times. The only way the group succeeded is by having lust and pride drive them on. A person with a goal must also have something to drive him towards his goal. Lust is what carrys them to their goal. Yes, they do have troubles from this, but this is what made them win in the end. In society people are consumed with greed. Money is usually what they are after. Gold and silver is what the group is after. It is their motivation to go on. Even though lust is not always good to have, in this book it helps them out. This story proves that one can overcome the impossible if he has strong motivation, understanding that lust does not have to be the motivation. People in society need to learn that to succeed they need motivationMotivation is the one thing the group needs to make it through the books setting. The setting is an element that is important to the conflict, and in itself an important conflict. The terrain was rough, the distance was long, and the surroundings were dangerous. The group has to travel through the treacherous Misty Mountains, being hassled by goblins. It almost dies while going through the Mirkwood forest by having gruesome sp iders chase them. It has a big problem when Bilbo gets seperated from the group. He gets lost in a system of caves where he encounters Gollum, a mean creature that wants to eat him. This aweful setting shows what a great conflict the group has, and how the motivation of lust keeps them from giving up. Not only is the setting an important element to the conflict, it is one of the things I liked most about the book. .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2 , .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2 .postImageUrl , .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2 , .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2:hover , .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2:visited , .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2:active { border:0!important; } .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2:active , .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2 .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u07dce4241b1a046af3a2f3e52f328ec2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Football and Rugby - Compare and Contrast EssayI enjoyed many attributes of this book, specifically the setting and the characters. The authors elaborate descriptions of all the places are excellent. Most of the scenes are dark and mysterious. Many of the things the group goes through are so perilous that the setting has to be like this to make up for the danger. Each character in this story is described in a way that makes each individual unique. Bilbo, the main character, is very lovable and sentimental. He is short, fat, and hairy, and gets joy from blowing smoke rings and cooking. Gandalf is an extremely powerful wizard who accompanies Bilbo through their quest. He is very random and unpredictable, which makes him human-like. Thorin is the leader of the dwarves. He is very respectable and stubborn in his ways. The setting and characters help make this book a fine piece of literature. Because this book is a fine piece of literature, the author has more strengths than weaknesses. The only noticeable weakness is the uncreative conflict, which is just the basic go and get what is yours. The strengths definitely out number the weaknesses. Having intriguing characters, elaborate descriptions, and excellent adventures are just some of the authors strengths. Because of the strengths, there are certain people that will find this novel more enjoyable. (people who will like this book better are described in the next paragraph)This book should be recommended to people that like to daydream and have an active imagination. Those who would appreciate The Hobit the most would be people that like adventure and fantasy books. Readers who like action should read this novel. Also people who like explicit detail would like reading this. Some people, on the other hand, would not care for this book that much. A realist or a person with an inactive imagination would not find this book to be enjoyable because it is filled with things of fantasy, such as finding a ring with powers of turning someone invisible. Realism will take all the fun and enjoyment from this fairy tale. Having all the fantasy and adventure in this book is one of the things I liked most about it. I enjoyed reading this book very much. I liked the characters the most, having Gollum as my favorite. I especially liked it when he calls himself my precious. This book was very appealing to me because of the suprising adventures. I liked how it kept my attention the whole way through, and also that it is a fairly short novel. The dialogue is also something I liked. It was not just chit-chat, but interesting. An example of interesting dialogue is Bilbos riddle contest with Gollum. That is my favorite part in the whole book. One last thing I liked about this book was the lesson Christians can learn. ( Lesson is in next paragraph)There is a lesson that Christians can use to help them in their spiritual walk with God. The friends all have the same motivation to get their treasure back, which is lust. A Christian should not lust over things, but he should have a motivation. Christians as a whole should all have the same motivation. That motivation should be to serve God, and tell others about Him. If we have that motivation, we will be able to get through anything, just like the group. It goes through a lot of dangers, but it makes it. Christians will go through a lot of dangers too, but if they keep their motivation strong, it will help carry them through. I would now like to carry on to the conclusion. To conclude, I would like to say that this book is very excellent. The cause of conflict, which is lust, is the perfect lesson for us all. The motivation of lust is what kept the group going. Themes such as this are hard to come by in adventure books. The group of friends overcome numerous difficult and deadly obstacles in their quest for their hearts desire. This shows how one can overcome anything if his motivation is strong. An important question to ask oneself is, What are my goals, and what is my motivation to reach these goals? Usually there is one major motivation that will lead one on, just like the The Motivation of Lust
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Need For Peace In The Middle East Essays -
The Need For Peace in the Middle East The quest for peace in the Middle East has been going on for decades. It all started in 1948 when Israel declared its independence and fought Arab nations to secure it. However, the Arabs were left unsatisfied while the Israelis wanted more control over land. In 1967, the ?six-day war' erupted, resulting with Israel seizing the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The war left the situation unchanged and the Arabs and Israelis have been fighting ever since. Middle East peace is important because without an agreement, both sides will remain hostile towards each other and wars will be constantly taking place. Numerous people will be killed and a settlement won't be reached. Jerusalem, the creation of a Palestinian state, and American and International aid are the top three issues that need to be resolved. Jerusalem is the holy city for Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Jerusalem is the sticking point of the peace summit and is the most difficult issue as it is virtually impossible to please both sides. Presently, Israel has control over the city. Israel insists on retaining sovereignty over the "eternal" city and hopes a deal will win world recognition of that right. Palestinians, on the other hand, wish to reclaim east Jerusalem for the capital of a new Palestinian state and want to share sovereignty. This issue should be resolved by making Jerusalem ?no man's land'. Jerusalem should be governed by an independent, neutral third party. Palestinians and Israelis would share it, as neither party would have control. If the Christians can share it with the Jews and Arabs, why can't the Jews and Arabs share with each other? The creation of a Palestinian state is one of the main issues the Palestinians are fighting for. In order to become a state, territory, government, population, and sovereignty are needed. Palestinians already have a population and government and need control over territory in order to acquire sovereignty, which would enable them to become an independent state. The Palestinians feel that an independent state is necessary. It will relieve those who wish to escape from religious persecution in Israel and allow Palestinians to have what they've always wanted. Ehud Barak, the Prime Minister of Israel, fears that the creation of a Palestinian state will threaten Israel, as the Palestinians will be given such a status that they may try to take over Israel in the future. The best solution is to give the Palestinians total control over the West Bank. The Palestinians will be pleased to have their own independent state and Israel will still have control over Gaza and the Jordan Valley. American and International aid needs to be distributed fairly between the Israelis and Palestinians. The Palestinians are in need of more financial assistance to compensate for refugees and to help form a new Palestinian state. Yassar Arafat has asked for $40 billion in International Aid to resettle and compensate for refugees. Israelis are seeking an upgraded security relationship with the United States and feel that they need money and weaponry for political security. Palestinians should receive more of the American and International aid because they are in more need of it. They should be granted with the full $40 billion to compensate for refugees and set up a new state. Israelis should receive a much lower suffice of money as they are not in desperate need. Japan and Europe should provide them with their needed weaponry. These solutions fulfill the desires of both sides and provide the needed support and financial aid. Having Jerusalem controlled by an outside party eliminates the endless disputes over territory and who has the right to control it. Giving the Palestinians their own independent state, satisfies their wishes to control the West Bank, yet also does not take too much power away from the Israelis. American and International aid given to both sides provides the help and support needed in both cases. These solutions will end the three main disputed topics and will finally ensure peace once and for all.
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